at room Pi i Sunyer
- 11:00 Laura Prat Baiget (UAB)
- Removable singularities for solutions of the Heat equation and the fractional Heat equation in time varying domains (abstract)
- 11:50 Matteo Levi (UB and UAB):
- Hardy–Littlewood maximal operators on trees with bounded geometry (abstract)
- 12:40 Jan Kristensen (Oxford):
- Lower semicontinuity via Stoilow factorization (abstract)
at room Pi i Sunyer
- 10:30 María Ángeles García-Ferrero (UB)
- The Calderón problem: on reconstruction in different settings (abstract)
- 11:20 Fran Mengual (MPI, Leipzig)
- Sharp nonuniqueness of admissible solutions for the 2D Euler equation (abstract)
- 12:10 Tomás Sanz Perela (UB)
- A shape optimization problem in relativistic quantum mechanics (abstract)